Friday, October 31, 2008 

Stein Inn, Skye

Stein Inn, Skye, originally uploaded by James_at_Slack.

The oldest Inn on Skye

Thursday, October 30, 2008 

Westhall, revisited.

Westhall, revisited., originally uploaded by Kieran Campbell.

"As promised, I went back to Westhall with some flashy assistance. Thanks to Tayne for the bursts with the purple gel. He took a similar shot beside this one.

We had quite a gathering tonight - 8 flickrites on the go which makes it bigger than the last Scottish meet. Anyway that's the last of the star trails for now, any more and folks will probably get bored so I'll have to scope out some new subjects for the next new moon.

Strobist: Nikon SB800 at full power with purple gel fired three times at the far right ( where the flare is), three times by the front door, three times in the bar and four times in the ballroom ( additional lighting from 8-10 tealights). Canon 430ex fired at 1/4 power on the outer right side of the building four times."

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 

Misty Boat

Misty Boat, originally uploaded by Billy Currie.

"Due to the crap weather, I hit another picture drought this weekend so am still on the Loch Ard pics from the previous week.

I have did the wee boat before and the jetty in the mist before but I haven't did the wee boat in the mist, so here it is. lol"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 

autumn colours 3

autumn colours 3, originally uploaded by Fiona Brims.

Monday, October 27, 2008 


Fly-Agaric , originally uploaded by mike bolam.

Sunday, October 26, 2008 


Aviemore, originally uploaded by Kieran Campbell.

Saturday, October 25, 2008 


sinking , originally uploaded by pamelaadam.

hospital flooring

Thursday, October 23, 2008 


Handle, originally uploaded by Gary_Brown.

Entrance to 12th Century St Columba Chapel ,Iona ,Scotland.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 

Tayside Dusk - Tranquil Loch Scene

Tayside Dusk - Tranquil Loch Scene , originally uploaded by idg.

Tayside Dusk - Tranquil Loch Scene - long exposure - i like the calmness here

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 

Loch Ard Leaf trails...

Loch Ard Leaf trails..., originally uploaded by ouldm01.

"The loch is beautiful colours at this time of year, although it takes long exposures to lift the colours in the poor weather... "

Monday, October 20, 2008 

Beach Walk

Beach Walk, originally uploaded by Scottish Nomad.

St Andrews

Saturday, October 18, 2008 

Leith Ports Building

Leith Ports Building, originally uploaded by Alexis Manson.

Friday, October 17, 2008 

Coastal Decay 3

Coastal Decay 3, originally uploaded by Billy Currie.

"Two stunning old wrecks found on the Island of Mull.

As they were, the original images didn't convey the sense of decay and erosion when standing next to these. I also tried hdr and various other techniques but couldn't get the look I wanted.
I then resorted to a good old layer and now love these pics."

Thursday, October 16, 2008 

Mud Bath Anyone?

Mud Bath Anyone?, originally uploaded by sammikins1976.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 


Reaction, originally uploaded by TGKW.

"At a flat party in Glasgow's West End, playing with the girls' makeup gets out of hand, and Kev is shocked to find that he has fallen victim to the mascara pen."

Monday, October 13, 2008 

Waiting "Jacobite Solider"

Waiting "Jacobite Solider", originally uploaded by gary.moffat.

"Character from the “Battle of Prestonpan’s” re-enactment East Lothian, Scotland.

The Battle of Prestonpans was the first significant conflict in the second Jacobite Rising. The battle took place on 21 September 1745. The Jacobite army loyal to James Francis Edward Stuart and led by his son Charles Edward Stuart defeated the army loyal to the Hanoverian George II led by Sir John Cope. It was initially known as the Battle of Gladsmuir - but was fought at Prestonpans, East Lothian, Scotland on that town's borders with Tranent, Cockenzie and Port Seton. The victory was a huge morale boost for the Jacobites, and a heavily mythologized version of the story entered art and legend."

Sunday, October 12, 2008 

Portrait of a woman

Portrait of a woman, originally uploaded by lost4words.

"Those wee cartons of milk are fiddly things."

Saturday, October 11, 2008 

Trans-Euro Express Cafe

Trans-Euro Express Cafe, originally uploaded by Ross McQueenie.

"Trans Euro Express in Trongate. One of my favourite places for lunch. Copenhagen on paninni for me please"

Friday, October 10, 2008 

Tayside Scotland - Cool Blue Rural View

"Tayside Scotland - Cool Blue Rural View

I am without cameras at the moment - hopefully that will be rectified by Friday - in the meantime I am enjoying trawling through some of the images I took over the past couple of months"

Thursday, October 09, 2008 

Jumping The QE2

Jumping The QE2, originally uploaded by Gordy Glen.

On the day the QE2 returned to the river clyde for the last time.
Biggest jump ever,Clearing the QE2 and 5 Warship's LOL
The Rider with courage is my nephew Conner,
Well done young man!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 

Seafield Dawn

Seafield Dawn, originally uploaded by Duncan_Smith.

The ruined harbour, Seafield, Kirkcaldy.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008 

Elgol storm II

Elgol storm II, originally uploaded by bruiach1.

Isle of Skye

Monday, October 06, 2008 

Tommy and Maggie

Tommy and Maggie, originally uploaded by the44mantis.

"At 2199ft or 670m the A93 at Cairnwell is the highest main road in the UK.
For years I've called this pair Tommy and Maggie, but I saw last week that the inscription is 'Tommy and Wife'. Well, the internet's no help - one guy even says it's Wainwright and wife, which makes about as much sense as my title does:-)
I must say they're showing their age a bit now.......:-)"

Sunday, October 05, 2008 

The Buachaille

The Buachaille, originally uploaded by snooch.

"It's a beast of a mountain.

Another from my INV-GLA expedition. Didn't get the classic view from the bottom with a burn in the foreground, but I'd already walked 20 (tough) miles from Glen Nevis this day so I wasn't for taking any sort of detour!"

Saturday, October 04, 2008 

100 Strangers: 3/100

100 Strangers: 3/100, originally uploaded by Miss.Informed.

"I went back to the market with my cousin and new flatmate. We sat behind the statue of King Edward the whoever and munched on a tasty brat sausage and we saw these two gentlemen.

I freely admit it; I eavesdropped. He was speaking with unusual intensity about international politics and globalisation. My curiosity was peaked and I asked him if he would be my next stranger for We spent the next 25 minutes speaking with him and his more silent friend, Carlos (seated on the right).

This gentleman spoke with the evangelical zeal of a preacher. Except, he wasn't preaching hell-fire and redemption. He was passionately anti-capitalist, anti consumerism and socialist. His speech was punctuated by his friend, Carlos' nods of approval and agreement. He asked if I was American and I said no; i did tell him that my cousin had just lived in New York for a year. He told me that being in New York had depressed him, especially when he'd seen flats that had bars to keep people from stealing. "Americans," he said, "are living in spiritual poverty because of the American dream that makes them over consume."

His life has been one of roving: he had lived in New York, Toronto, Iran and on a kibbutz in the Golan Heights. He told us a story of hitch-hiking from Thunder Bay to New York in the middle of winter.

As I was taking this photo, he was telling a story to my cousin and flatmate. Apparently, he was in New York and about to pay for a room at the Waldorf Astoria. A security guard heard his accent and came up to him and asked him; " So Scotty, whaddya think of George Dubya Bush?"

At this point, he paused in his story and stood up to illustrate his point. Then he BOOMED out, in the middle of union street, right next to the international market: "I THINK GEORGE BUSH IS A MOTHER F**KING WANKER" It was so loud that heads across the street swiveled towards us.

On cue, some young man walking down Union shouted back, "F**king too right, he's a wanker!"

I then realised I hadn't even asked his name. Everyone, please meet David."

Friday, October 03, 2008 

Buchaille Etive Mor from the River Coupall

"A low angle shot of Buchaille Etive Mor from the River Coupall. Not long after sunrise. Those failiar will recognise this as a from a well used spot, but this is one of my favourites that I have taken from here.

Every time I think I'm done shooting this mountain, I'll drive by on my way elsewhere and I'll see the mountain in yet another light that I haven't shot it in yet. This morning I was on my way to Oban to visit the sea-life sanctuary, and the light was getting a bit better as we got closer to Glen Coe. I've not shot the mountain with this sky yet, so I stopped and had a crack.

Canon Eos 5D, 1.2 ND, 0.9 soft ND Grad, 8 seconds @f22, ISO 50"

Thursday, October 02, 2008 

Sunrise over Portobello Beach

Sunrise over Portobello Beach, originally uploaded by K-G-M.


Loch Ard Light

Loch Ard Light, originally uploaded by ouldm01.

"After a week down in London it was great to get back to a weekend of shooting, I have got to say, the light early this morning in the Trossachs is the best I have seen it this year..."

Wednesday, October 01, 2008 


g4, originally uploaded by stanton imaging.

The Flickr Scotland Blog

  • A Photo Blog where photographers from all around the Scotland, and visitors to the country, capture the best of the nation's places, people, history, views, scenery, buildings and architecture, townscapes, cityscapes and culture.

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