“A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.”

“A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.”, originally uploaded by Hot Oyster Photography.
In memory of Harry Kenkins.
It's still raining...
"Clyde at its best?"
"No kayak today..."
"Clocked this awesome wooden skeleton in the window of the art shop on North Bridge on the way home, apologies for reflections from the glass."
"Hero tumbler of Scotch on the Rocks"
"This shot is from January 2008, four of us hired touring skis and skinned up Carn Aosda from the valley. Fantastic day, no crwods, which there were on the other side of the mountain. Glen Shee had seen the busiest day in years with people taking advantage of the great snow, which is quite rare in Scotland most of the time."
"Diverse Scotland - Edinburgh and Scotland live in multicultural harmony."
"Captured whilst waiting for the ferry back to the mainland.
Brodick bay, Arran, Scotland."
At the Edinburgh Jazz Festival, July 2009.
"The sun has set ovet the Solway. Taken near Gretna.
A bit of noise has crept in unfortunately."
"View all my images and more at scottishprints.biz"
"Taken at sunrise at the Knapps in Kilmacolm.
I was the first one here and then about 4 or 5 other photographers joined the scene. Very beautiful place during a sunrise. I'm lucky to have it only 10 minutes up the road...
3expHDR, as usual.."
"It was fairly unique conditions, I scrambled down there during a hailstorm on the off chance it would pass, and it did about 5 minutes before the sun went down. I think the wet rock and low sun combined to really bring out the red in the sandstone. I also forgot the quick release for my tripod so I had to balance the camera on a rock for the 4 second exposure. I took photos until another hailstorm hit then had to find my way back to Rackwick in the dark whilst being pelted by hail with no headtorch!"
"a massive thanks to Ian for taking the time to stop for a portrait in his busy schedule.
SB28 1/4 power thru brolly to right, 580 EX II zoomed to 105 1/2 power far right fired wirelessly by skyports"
Garden of Remembrance
"Finally. I've been planning this photo for years now. I first shot it about ten years ago on film, using my trusty, tiny Pentax P3. I've still got that film somewhere but no real desire to go looking for it and, for that matter, no film scanner. I've always wanted to revisit it and do it better.
Ever since I started on the traffic shots, this was the shot that I most wanted to take. I tried it a few weeks ago, but the sun was still too high. It wasn't until the clocks went back that the timing worked out. I'm quite pleased.
Now I need to have a very quick think about whether to end on a high or keep plugging away. After all, it's a good reason to get out of the house."
"How to explain my love of this hotel? It's hard. It's quite simply the most exceptionally beautiful location of any hotel I know."
In memory of Alex Young.
And of course the quirky....
The Blog has been featured in the Sunday Herald Magazine and has been highlighted on the Flickr Blog.
The Flickr Scotland Blog is run by Calum and Victoria, strongly supported by Pamela