Monday, June 30, 2008 

Nick Gold @ the Lighthouse

Nick Gold @ the Lighthouse, originally uploaded by Semi-detached.

"Nick staring out of the window at the city below at the Lighthouse, Glasgow."

Sunday, June 29, 2008 

Buchanan St - wet summer evening

"Took another walk around town with some friends from QPCC - it was very damp!"

Friday, June 27, 2008 


Sunrays, originally uploaded by John McBride.

Sunset over Edinburgh. Taken on 25/06/2008 on very windy and unsettled day from Calton Hill.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 


Balquhain, originally uploaded by polaris37.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Sunset over Rum

Sunset over Rum, originally uploaded by joe.barrett.

"Silver light after sunet over Rum. (Canon 1Ds MK3 using Neutral density grads)"

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 

High on a Windy Moor

High on a Windy Moor, originally uploaded by BORDERSCOT.

"Wuthering Heights"

Saturday, June 21, 2008 


Lochaber, originally uploaded by carrhighlander.

Friday, June 20, 2008 

Eilean Donan Castle

Eilean Donan Castle, originally uploaded by Revelation_Space.

"Continuing with my creative and original streak, here's Scotland's most photographed castle.

I must admit that I was pretty disappointed with the weather on the day I visited. The sun refused to shine & the tide was well out. Hopefully the next time I visit I'll be given a better opportunity."

Thursday, June 19, 2008 

falkirk wheel

falkirk wheel, originally uploaded by zampano1212.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008 

Brodick Beach

Brodick Beach, originally uploaded by R8JimBob88.

Goat fell from Brodick beach.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 

My take on the cliched Calton hill Edinburgh shot

"...that everyone in the world seems to take a shot from here. So I thought I'd join in!"

Monday, June 16, 2008 

Windae City - Glasgow West End Festival 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008 

Who Are You?

Who Are You?, originally uploaded by eispoo.

Highland Cow, investigating the photographer.

Saturday, June 14, 2008 

Portencross Harbour

Portencross Harbour, originally uploaded by edowds.

From Portencross to the Isle of Arran.

Ayrshire, Scotland.

Friday, June 13, 2008 

Walking The Bridge

Walking The Bridge, originally uploaded by tramper2500.

Thursday, June 12, 2008 

Seabird City, Westray, Orkney Islands, Scotland.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 

A new chapter

A new chapter, originally uploaded by mark ferrier.

Ballast Bank Trron

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 

Dark and light

Dark and light, originally uploaded by nicolas valentin.

"Went fishing today and I thought about bringing something back !!still caught the little wrasse!!"

Monday, June 09, 2008 

Hourglass Figure

Hourglass Figure, originally uploaded by Kenny Maths.

"Felicity Redman, one half of the street performing, opera singing, sister act that is 'The Two Sopranos', performing at last year's Edinburgh Fringe."

Sunday, June 08, 2008 

the edge of something big

the edge of something big, originally uploaded by Dove*.

Saturday, June 07, 2008 

Princing About!

Princing About!, originally uploaded by David Augustin.

Glasgow's Prince's square

Thursday, June 05, 2008 

Eggerness Rock Carvings - Horse

Wednesday, June 04, 2008 

The King of Kelvingrove

The King of Kelvingrove, originally uploaded by Kenny Maths.

"Two years ago, I had the good fortune to win a photography competition with this shot:
I Predict a Riot.

However, it wasn't just any old competition. It had been organised by the National Galleries of Scotland to tie-in to their Harry Benson photography competition. Oh, and as part of the prize, I got to meet the great man.....

Harry Benson is one of the greatest photojournalists ever (and yet remains very approachable). You name it, he's done it. He has photographed every American President since Eisenhower (and was the favourite photographer of Ronald and Nancy Reagan). He was with The Beatles when they toured America (and photographed them with a young Cassius Clay). He was only a few feet away when Robert Kennedy (who was one of his friends) was assasinated. His career has been incredible and he's still working.

I've run into Harry a few times since that night. Starting tomorrow, there's a new exhibition of his work at Glasgow's Kelvingrove Museum.

Today there was a press preview of the exhibition and last week, I was invited to come along to this by Harry and his wife, Gigi. Woo-Hoo!

The press photographers and film crews who were there obviously had a job to do and I was trying not to get in their way (while taking some shots). They were all (not unreasonably) taking pictures of Harry in the exhibition area, next to some of his iconic shots.

I wanted to try for something a little different. There was nothing in the exhibition area which identified it as belonging to Glasgow (the city of Harry's birth). So, on the way down to the exhibition, I was taking a shot of this distinctive statue of Elvis Presley. Anyone who has been to the Kelvingrove Museum will be familiar with it. Given that Harry has lived and worked in America for over forty years, it also seemed to make sense.

I'm absolutely thrilled to have been able to meet Harry. You don't get the chance to run into many of your heroes, but I had admired his work, long before I knew of his name.

Anyway, I'm glad I took this shot (which was done after the press photographers had all finished). Harry Benson...a proud son of Glasgow...and (now) an American citizen."

Tuesday, June 03, 2008 

Morton castle reflection

Morton castle reflection, originally uploaded by Kenny Muir.

"Reflection on Morton Loch near my hometown Thornhill, in Dumfries and Galloway. Another angle (which I have only just discovered) on an old shot."

Monday, June 02, 2008 

dust cloud aftermath of stirlingfauld's demolition.

Sunday, June 01, 2008 

Loch Cill Chriosd

Loch Cill Chriosd, originally uploaded by : HimUpNorth :.

"Taken on the Isle of Skye earlier this year."

The Flickr Scotland Blog

  • A Photo Blog where photographers from all around the Scotland, and visitors to the country, capture the best of the nation's places, people, history, views, scenery, buildings and architecture, townscapes, cityscapes and culture.

    And of course the quirky....

    The Blog has been featured in the Sunday Herald Magazine and has been highlighted on the Flickr Blog.

    The Flickr Scotland Blog is run by Calum and Victoria, strongly supported by Pamela

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