Saturday, March 31, 2007 

Are we there yet?

"Another taken from the car as we sped to our destination. (Beinn Dorain)

All Hail the Sports Button!"

Friday, March 30, 2007 

cottage interior

cottage interior, originally uploaded by ali bishop.


Port Edgar

Port Edgar, originally uploaded by C Thomson.

Thursday, March 29, 2007 

Glen Coe, Scotland

Glen Coe, Scotland, originally uploaded by G w Clark.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 

Industrial Clydeside

Industrial Clydeside, originally uploaded by discodavor.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 

'We'll be comin'........

Scotland 2 - Georgia 1, Euro Qualifiers


Wild flowers, wild skies

Wild flowers, wild skies, originally uploaded by lusobrandane.

A pair of wildflowers in the dry grass against a cirrus sky

Monday, March 26, 2007 


Amar4, originally uploaded by tanera.

March installment of my favourite accident blackspot

Saturday, March 24, 2007 

The Arc-High Grain

The Arc-High Grain, originally uploaded by bruiach1.

The Arc Bridge-Glasgow

Friday, March 23, 2007 

Dalveen pass monochrome

Dalveen pass monochrome, originally uploaded by krmuir.

Thursday, March 22, 2007 

Blue Bridge

Blue Bridge, originally uploaded by yodasarmpit.



Swirl, originally uploaded by ba's on the slates.

Dance Ihayami at the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 

Rocking horses

Rocking horses, originally uploaded by lusobrandane.

"Children's rocking horses in a frozen Baxter Park, Dundee"



hazy, originally uploaded by Kieran Campbell.

"these two shots are of the hdr-from-single-raw variety. The day that i took these photos I learned one of the most annoying lessons with the 350D, i spent a whole ridiculously bright, sunny day shooting ISO400 - doh. Also would help if i had a rough idea where i took this photo! earth knows all - got it!"

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 

Arthur's Block

Arthur's Block, originally uploaded by VerseVend.

The Tolerance Block and Arthur's Seat.

Monday, March 19, 2007 

ghirls who like bhoys

ghirls who like bhoys, originally uploaded by Fack to Bront.

St Patrick's Day @ Faslane Peace Camp.



kingfisher, originally uploaded by zan milligan.

"This photo isn't the sharpest ever, but since this was the first time I'd ever seen a real-life kingfisher I thought I'd put it in anyway! And in the centre of Glasgow no less!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007 

Ptarmigan Restaurant

Ptarmigan Restaurant, originally uploaded by elpelly.

"No ice-creams today! It was -7C, with the wind-chill making it feel like -21C"


Carnan Hurricane Jan 11th 2005

Carnan Hurricane Jan 11th 2005, originally uploaded by dunard54.

"Loch Carnan South Uist as the devastating hurricane of January 2005 winds up to its height. Despite the very short fetch. it is metaphorically blowing smoke a few yards off the shore."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007 

Wallace's monument

Wallace's monument, originally uploaded by extra-minty.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 

Phillip, off Orkney 1963

Phillip, off Orkney 1963, originally uploaded by PhillipC.

During my brilliant career as a deckhand on a Scottish seine netter, catching Cod in the days when the sea sometimes seethed with them. The skipper was Angus Macintosh. See here more about this remarkable man. I cannot remember who the person with me is.


irvine beach

irvine beach, originally uploaded by mike138.

Monday, March 12, 2007 


Alliance, originally uploaded by chequered plate.

Alliance sorting the catch

Sunday, March 11, 2007 

The last rig leaves the Firth

The last rig leaves the Firth, originally uploaded by ccgd.

The last rig leaves the Firth

The Essar Wildcat (ex Transocean Wildcat) is towed out between the Sutors as it starts a 90 day journey to Kakinada India. Due to the height of the derrick, the Suez Canal cannot be used, so it will go the long round, via the Cape. She is being towed by the (very colourful) Fairmount Sherpa, who steamed to the Cromarty Firth from Dubai, and the combination will travel at an average speed of 8 knots, all the way back again.

Essar paid $220M for this 30 year old rig, which has been cold stacked in the Firth since the late 90's.

So apart from the Galaxy Jackup alongside the service base at Invergordon, which is due to go out in the next few weeks, the Firth is empty.


St Andrews, Fife, Scotland

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, originally uploaded by dhansak79.

Saturday, March 10, 2007 

Thar' she blows!

Thar' she blows!, originally uploaded by gms.

"The weird Imax cinema in Glasgow."


Lagganlia accommodation

Lagganlia accommodation, originally uploaded by rg250871.

"The eclipsed moon was behind some cloud, so I took some other night shots. This is the Ptarmagin Appartment in the Lagganlia Outdoor Centre near Feshiebridge up in the Cairngorms. You can watch red squirrels, woodpeckers and owls over breakfast through big windows overlooking the forest - a great location."

Friday, March 09, 2007 

Isle of Tiree

Isle of Tiree, originally uploaded by Rachel 79.


Linlithgow Swan

Linlithgow Swan, originally uploaded by davidqueenan.

Thursday, March 08, 2007 

Eilean Donan Castle

Eilean Donan Castle, originally uploaded by Cheeky_Monkey.


Hebridean Afterglow

Hebridean Afterglow, originally uploaded by geospace.

After sunset down by the shore. I saw an otter playing in the darkness against this backdrop.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007 


moon, originally uploaded by FionaBrims.


Muirton Locks, Inverness

Muirton Locks, Inverness, originally uploaded by shooderz.

"I thought I would give the night photography a go and out of around 50 pics, I got about three that I could probably do something with in Photoshop! :-) So here is the first, a bit grainy but crtisism welcome."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 

Glencoe Spark of Light

Glencoe Spark of Light, originally uploaded by dunard54.

"A spark of light breaks through the storm clouds in Glencoe, just as daylight draws to an end."


Lower Falls

Lower Falls, originally uploaded by Scott Young.

"The Lower falls on the River Nevis in Glen Nevis beside, you'll never guess, Ben Nevis!"

Monday, March 05, 2007 

Street Muscian

Street Muscian, originally uploaded by newsman05.

"An accordion player entertains and waits for tips on the streets in Edinburgh, Scotland."



watefall2, originally uploaded by Baz McD.

"Here is a picture of a waterfall at Calderglen Country Park in East Kilbride. Scotland. It is taken with my new camera, on a tripod, with a button press thingy on the end of a wire. I have tried using a long exposure so get the water all nice and blurry etc etc, which I have sort of managed but will need lots and lots of practice!!!"

Sunday, March 04, 2007 

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse, originally uploaded by upnorthme.

Just before the full lunar eclipse.


Lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse, originally uploaded by tomgardner.

This was beautiful to watch, on a lovely clear starry night from my living room window with the fire on and the tripod set up at the window. Looking through my 10x50 binoculars was spectacular.

This also revealed how much I could do with upgrading my cheap 75-300 zoom for something sharper...

Taken in Edinburgh, Scotland

Friday, March 02, 2007 

Kenmore 3

Kenmore 3, originally uploaded by Vivid Image.

"Taken at dusk with a long exposure and a polariser in Kenmore on Loch Tay."

Thursday, March 01, 2007 

Edinburgh's Disgrace

Edinburgh's Disgrace, originally uploaded by jimbodownie.



A GREY DAY - BUT GOOD FOR FISHING, originally uploaded by idg.

The Flickr Scotland Blog

  • A Photo Blog where photographers from all around the Scotland, and visitors to the country, capture the best of the nation's places, people, history, views, scenery, buildings and architecture, townscapes, cityscapes and culture.

    And of course the quirky....

    The Blog has been featured in the Sunday Herald Magazine and has been highlighted on the Flickr Blog.

    The Flickr Scotland Blog is run by Calum and Victoria, strongly supported by Pamela

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