Monday, July 31, 2006 

On the farm

On the farm
Originally uploaded by FelixvdGein.


Loch Duich

Loch Duich
Originally uploaded by ShirleyGrant.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 


Originally uploaded by Cornflake_Girl.



Originally uploaded by mark ferrier.

Saturday, July 29, 2006 

Loch Creran, Argyll

Loch Creran, Argyll
Originally uploaded by Ned Trifle.


Tongue Haar

Tongue Haar
Originally uploaded by Harry Willis.

Friday, July 28, 2006 

viking 1

viking 1
Originally uploaded by chatirygirl.


Under a new moon

Under a new moon
Originally uploaded by Viche.


glen prosen

glen prosen
Originally uploaded by shooglytripod.


Bute A-Z : G is for Gull.

Bute A-Z : G is for Gull.
Originally uploaded by stonefaction.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 

Eilean Donan Castle

Eilean Donan Castle
Originally uploaded by ShirleyGrant


A good walk spoiled

A good walk spoiled
Originally uploaded by upnorthme.


SRPS Diesel

SRPS Diesel
Originally uploaded by davidqueenan.


silver lining

silver lining
Originally uploaded by ufopilot.


Ettrick Bay

Ettrick Bay
Originally uploaded by mistermisery.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 

Shapes in the water

Shapes in the water
Originally uploaded by equso.


Icicle Wall

Icicle Wall
Originally uploaded by billtam.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006 

Forth Road Bridge from Queensferry

Forth Road Bridge from Queensferry
Originally uploaded by Langley Monkey.


Reflections of Childhood

Reflections of Childhood
Originally uploaded by ccgd.

Monday, July 24, 2006 

Sunset Over Skye

Sunset Over Skye
Originally uploaded by Mac ind Óg.


Kings of Stone

Kings of Stone
Originally uploaded by MacIomhair.

Sunday, July 23, 2006 


Originally uploaded by ShirleyGrant.


summer fun

summer fun
Originally uploaded by mistermisery.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 


Originally uploaded by polaris37.

Friday, July 21, 2006 

Originally uploaded by kiewee.

Thursday, July 20, 2006 


Snoopy, Originally uploaded by Herschell Hershey.


Originally uploaded by FRANC3S.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 

West coast Cairn

West coast Cairn
Originally uploaded by ßlϋeωãvε.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 

Grampian Falcon

Grampian Falcon, originally uploaded by glenelg48.


Floating heads

Floating heads, originally uploaded by gms.

"These are floating heads, each with it's own facial expression, hanging in the newly refurbished Kelvingrove Museum."



pentlake, originally uploaded by sniperkona.

one of the lochs near edinburgh


Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle, originally uploaded by dr.wu.

Diana clone Tri-X 400

Monday, July 17, 2006 

Gone fishing

Gone fishing
Originally uploaded by ccgd.



Originally uploaded by stewartglasson.

Sunday, July 16, 2006 


iona, originally uploaded by shooglytripod.

Saturday, July 15, 2006 

North Bridge, Evening Sunshine

North Bridge, Evening Sunshine, originally uploaded by Kalshassan.

"I haven't played with this version at all, that's the light exactly as it came off the buildings, into my lens and ultimately out of my camera.

Yes mate."

Thursday, July 13, 2006 

Howwood In The Distance

Howwood In The Distance, originally uploaded by Scott Foy.

"A view looking south towards my home village of Howwood, which you can see way in the distance. This shot taken close to the Clochoderick Stone :-)"


Kinnaird Head Lighthouse

Kinnaird Head Lighthouse, originally uploaded by polaris37.


Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland
Originally uploaded by grrrrrr.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 

You shall have a fishy

You shall have a fishy, originally uploaded by Viche.

"Inspired by ajnabee's gorgeous Puffin shots I decided that it was high time I revisted the Isle of May, an island in the Forth not far from here. I haven't been there since I was a child. I had a fabulous time and I would highly recommend it."


Mennock pass from East Mount Lowther

"The weather was really poor. A little post processing has helped get round this!"

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 

Golden Lions Freefall Parachute Team

Picture from the 2006 Stirling Highland Games held on 9th July.

Golden Lions Freefall Parachute Team
Originally uploaded by kiltedpride.


The Walk Home

The Walk Home
Originally uploaded by BByrd.

Monday, July 10, 2006 


Definant, originally uploaded by cathyvevoe.

Shetland in Midsummer. Nowhere better in the world.

Saturday, July 08, 2006 

poppy - ben lomond

poppy - ben lomond, originally uploaded by Spiderpops.

"somebody had left this poppy on the summit of ben lomond amongst the midges and other flying objects (which incidently, i didn't complain about once.......)"


Bute Flickr Meet Up

Bute Flickr Meet Up, originally uploaded by mistermisery.

equsb,Viche,Grandpa John T and stonefaction shoot the wreck...very artistic ;-)


sun obscured

sun obscured, originally uploaded by polaris37.

Friday, July 07, 2006 

Under The Crescent Moon.

Under The Crescent Moon., originally uploaded by stonefaction.

"The wreck of the Co-Worker on the beach at Ettrick Bay, Bute, under a July dusk sky."


A sunny estate

A sunny estate, originally uploaded by gms.

"On a nice day, even a Greenock housing estate can look nice."


Portgordon Harbour Sunset

Portgordon Harbour Sunset, originally uploaded by Duncan_Smith.

"The 'HDR' aspect of this is just for the pier, which would otherwise be black and is blended in from a HDR merge of 3 RAW frames. The rest of the picture did not do so well with the HDR conversion. The majority of the picture is taken from the nominal exposure converted with Canon DPP.

Lee 0.9 Hard ND Grad used to manage sky/foreground brightness."

The Flickr Scotland Blog

  • A Photo Blog where photographers from all around the Scotland, and visitors to the country, capture the best of the nation's places, people, history, views, scenery, buildings and architecture, townscapes, cityscapes and culture.

    And of course the quirky....

    The Blog has been featured in the Sunday Herald Magazine and has been highlighted on the Flickr Blog.

    The Flickr Scotland Blog is run by Calum and Victoria, strongly supported by Pamela

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